Favio Inker joins Quixotical Mix series with the very sexy and perfectly merged mix of the dark disco. An incredible 1 hour set passes just like one minute and after that you are eager to repeat, and repeat, and repeat…track selection, mix structure and a spirit of Argentinian makes this mix so perfect and wanted.
We have asked Favio to answer some interview question as well. And well well, we have found out very interesting details about him.
Thank you, for accepting the invitation to record a mix and answer some questions for our Quixotical Mix series!
1. Is your sound radically different now, compared to what it was before? In addition to that, was there anyone or anything that in a way paved your artistic direction and understanding of what you want to accomplish and share with your audience as a performer?
-> If I think from a year ago until now, yes, the search for my sound is different. It has to do with the growth that Indie Dance had at this time. A much more mainstream Indie Dance sound is being positioned and it also generates a lot of satisfaction for me, and that’s what I’m aiming for now.
->Si pienso desde hace un año hasta ahora, si, la busqueda de mi sonido es diferente. Tiene que ver con el crecimiento que tuvo el Indie Dance en este tiempo. Se esta posicionando un sonido Indie Dance mucho mas mainstream y que igualmente me genera micha satisfaccion, y eso es a lo que apunto ahora.
2. What is the most essential part of your creative process? Is it generating ideas, researching certain subjects, personal experiences, adopting tools and sounds of different genres to improve and expand on the quality of your products? Or maybe it’s something else
altogether, please elaborate.
-> I am a supporter of Picasso’s idea “inspiration exists but it has to find you working”. The truth is that I don’t have a creative mind, melodies and magical structures don’t come to mind while I’m walking through a park. It’s mostly hard work, sit down and do it. Then I explore the sounds that I like and try to take it that way. I believe that you have to be well both mentally and spiritually to be able to vibrate and connect well with music, that’s why I work on my mental well-being.
->Yo soy partidario de la idea de Picasso “la inspiración existe pero tiene que encontrarte trabajando”. La verdad es que yo no tengo una mente creativa, no me vienen melodías ni estructuraa mágicas a mi cabeza mientras camino por un parque. Es más que nada trabajo duro, sentarme y hacer. Después exploro sonidos que me gusten y trato de llevarlo hacia ese lado. Considero que hay que estar bien a nivel mental como espiritual para poder vibrar y conectar bien con la música, así que trabajo en mi bienestar mental.
3. Everyone has ambitions, to be greater than the world aspires them to be. What is your mission, your ultimate goal as an artist?
-> Beyond dreaming that my music is a means for me to live. I dream of creating music that really generates ecstasy in the people who listen to it on a dancefloor, but I would also like it to be nice to listen to while you are at home or driving in the car. And to have the possibility to always improve, to learn to play several instruments well, to develop better production techniques, to know more about synthesis. In short, to be a better electronic music artist.
->Más alla de soñar que mi musica sea un medio para que pueda vivir. Sueño con crear musica que realmente genere extasis en las personas que la escuchan en una pista, pero tambien me gustaria que sea linda de escuchar mientras estas en tu casa o vas paseando en el auto. Y tener la posibilidad de mejorar siempre, aprender a ejecutar varios instrumentos bien, desallorar mejores tecnicas de produccion, saber mas sobre sintesis. En definitiva ser un mejor artista de musica electronica.
4. Have you ever considered joining a band as a DJ? Do you ever think of that? Maybe you have already been in a band, but for some reason you got repelled and chose to be a solo performer? If there’s a story behind this, we would very much like to hear about it.
-> At this moment, not really, I have a very good flow of work alone, and a band is more difficult to carry out, it is difficult to coordinate, it is difficult for everyone to have the same desire.
->En este momento la verdad que no, tengo un muy buen flujo de trabajo solo, y una banda es más difícil de llevar adelante, es difícil coordinar, es difícil que todos tengan las mismas ganas.
5. On a closing note, I would like to ask you one last question. What artist would you like to collaborate on a future releases and why?
-> The truth is that they are a lot, I greatly admire the work of many artists. I love everything that has been happening in Mexico for years, Indie Dance in Russia is also having great exponents. And obviously Europe, which is inevitable in any style. It is difficult for me to name a few because there are many. If I have to play it for one of each region. Cabizbajo, Far&High, Rafael Cerato, and from here Brigado Crew are the greatest exponents that Argentina has of the genre. With any of them it would be a milestone in my career.
->La verdad que son muchisimos, admiro mucho el trabajo de muchos artistas. Me encanta todo lo que esta pasando en Mexico desde hace años, el Indie Dance en Rusia tambien esta teniendo grandes exponentes. Y obviamente Europa que es infaltable en cualquier eatilo. Me es dificil nombrar algunos porque son muchos. Si me la tengo que jugar por uno de cada región. Cabizbajo, Far&High, Rafael Cerato, y de acá Brigado Crew son los exponentes más grandes que tiene Argentina del género. Con cualquiera de ellos sería un hito en mi carrera.
Interview by Vidas Stanynas